Friday, November 25, 2011

Political Insider Forces

It was obvious that the inside force within the Democrat Party was on the side of Obama against Clinton. Those inside forces made sure that Florida would not could for Clinton. Those inside forces also made sure that Obama got as many of the questionable votes as possible from certain primaries. The inside force of the Democrat Party stood for socialism or perhaps even bordered on communism. That was the realitiy of what occurred in 2008.

The situation is no different now with the Republican Party. The inside force within the Republican Party does not want a political outsider like Herman Cain to win the nomination. The force within the Republican Party will even work to discredit any Republican candidate that does not fit the acceptable profile. The inside force within each party wants only to back the candidate that can be under the control of the party's prime objective. Outsiders need not run.

This means that the Republican Party wants Romney to run. This has already become evident with certain political leaders endorsing Romney. The Republican Party will discredit any opponent to Romney by whatever means possible. As a deep conservative, I find all of this to be disgusting. Instead of voting for the best there is, I will find myself voting for the lesser of two evils. I am so tired of all this political corruption from both parties. In the end, it comes down to choosing between complete failure and lack of conviction. I pray that our nation can survive this.